Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Festivals of Singapore

Singapore is truly a cosmopolitan nation, with it's many races and religions existing in harmony. In a melting pot like Singapore each year sees the celebration of a variety of religious festivals. These festivals are Hari Raya Puasa, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and the Christmas to name the main ones.
Hari Raya Puasa is the day celebrated by the Muslims to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It is a month of fasting observed by Muslims to offer special prayers during the fasting month. Muslims to offer special prayers during the fasting month. Muslim homes are gaily decorated with colourful lights for the occasion. Stage shows such as Malay dances and songs are part of the celebrations.
Chinese New Year is celebrated by the Chinese to mark the start of the new year according to the Chinese calendar. Each year is designated by an animal holding special significance for the Chinese, for example, the year of the Dragon, year of the Tiger, etc. It is also a time for reunion of all family members during the reunion dinner held on the eve of the New Year. Red packets containing money are handed to the younger ones by the elders as a sign of prosperity. Public displays of Dragon and Lion dances are often held by dance troupes to add to the festivities.
Deepavali on the 'Festival of Lights' is a religious celebration of the Hindus. It falls either in the month of October or November of the year. It is celebrated to mark the triumph of good over evil in Hindu mythology. Every Hindu household is decorated with oil lamps that burn to signify darkness being overcome. On Deepavali day every member of the family takes an oil bath early in the morning and offer prayers. This will be followed by a sumptuous breakfast among family members. The occasion is one of much joy and festivity.
Christmas is the religious festival of Christians who may be of Chinese, Indian or other descent. It is celebrated on the 25the of December each year and marks the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of Christian god. Christians gather for midnight services on Christmas eve at their churches. The day itself is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike visiting Christian homes and is markedly a festival celebrated by all races in one way or the other.

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