Monday, February 25, 2008

Hari Raya

I love Hari Raya. Normally we will ask each other for forgiveness and continue our objective of visiting our relatives.The day that I will look forward to is Hari Raya eve. We'll start of the day by cleaning and packing the house and maybe decorate the house to make it more stunning. Then comes the challenging part which is to bear with the fragrance of scrumptious delights that my mum makes as I'll be fasting then. My definition of Hari Raya isn't about traditions or killing myself by thinking how much will I get or what will I buy, but to enjoy the festival. My family and I believe that first thing in the morning of Hari Raya, we should go to the mosque. Even though we own a car we prefer walking to the mosque as bonding takes place while we chat on the way. When we reach home I will straight away take a bath and leave home to go visiting.Getting money can be quite exciting but my father racing down the streets is a very inappropriate thing to do especially on an important event and me being an apprehensive person I'm always reminding my dad to slow down.

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