Monday, February 25, 2008

Joy of Christmas

I love Christmas! The celebration of birth of Jesus Christ. The Gifts! The joy of giving presents to people that we love and care. It's a wonderful feeling. Every year, my family and our church friends would decide on whose house to visit. Once decided, each family would start to take down list of gifts to buy and food to bring. December is the busiest month for my family. My brother and I would help my mum wrap the gifts, It's hard work. We use days or even weeks to finish wrapping the presents. But in the end, we still finish wrapping. After all the hard work, we enjoy ourselves at the house we're visiting. Adults and kids go our separate ways, the adults would start chatting among themselves, For us kids, we would play PlayStation or xbox or even the latest game "Wii Fit", or either that we''' play board game or watch television. By the end of the day, we'll gather and exchange our gifts. I feel that my gifts these few years are getting boring. When i was younger, my gifts were like something fun to play with. But now, all i get are books or some weird things in boxes or mugs. Totally boring! :( But still the joy of Christmas isn't about receiving, it's about giving. That's why i look forward to it every year. :)

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